News Categories: Business

09 Mar
By: admin 50 2

Camtel: New telco tariffs

For many Cameroonians, the billing polices at the Cameroon Telecommunications (Camtel) that was based on the number of hours spent on the web was the last refuge for quality access to the Internet at an affordable price. The service was popular compared to offerings from other public operators.

However, by changing its pricing policy for Internet access and joining other carriers’ that currently charge customers based on usage, the average Cameroonian believes, the incumbent is now focusing on the rich only. The monthly connection fee of $50 for 200 hours is now being replaced with a usage based model set at $50 for every 5GB of data.

The monthly connection fee of $50 for 200 hours is now being replaced with a usage based model set at $50 for every 5GB of data!

Given this data consumption based model, customers fear that their browsing ability will be very limited. In fact, it will be greatly reduced. This also applies to Skype and other VoIP software they use for communicating with friends and family. With this new pricing policy, they might have to recharge their accounts two to three times a month. This is what customers have been denouncing since the adoption of the new pricing policy.

November 2013 | L’Actualite Hebdo

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