The Republic of Cameroon is located at the gulf of Guinea, strategically in the heart of Africa, at the crossroads of the tropical north and the equatorial south.Cameroon is bordered on the North by the Republic of Chad, on the East by the Central African Republic, on the South by Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Congo Brazzaville, on the West by the Atlantic Ocean and Nigeria.

Country Indicators

Land Area: 475, 650 km²
Population: 19,4 millions inhabitants (2010) estimates)
Population Growth rate: 2.87% inhabitants per km²
Population under 20 years: 60.2%
Average population density : 41.81 inhabitants per km²
Life Expectancy: 51,7 years
Infant Mortality: 6.4%
Literacy rate: 61 %
Religions: 56% Christians; 24% Muslims; 30% Animists
Official Languages: French and English
National day: 20th May
Time zone: GMT + 1 hour
Telephone code: +237

Country Leadership

Head of State:
Elected by direct and universal suffrage for a mandate of 7 years.

Prime Minister:
HE. Yang Philemon
Appointed by the Head of State. He is Head of Government.

The legislative power is in the hands of a parliament comprising two (02) houses: The Senate with100 members (10 per Region) and the National Assembly with 180 members elected for a 5 years term in office without term limit. The judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court, Appeal and Magistrate Courts

Economic Indicators

Currency: Franc CFA
GDP per capita: USD 1244
Distribution of GDP: Primary= 51%; secondary = 27%; tertiary= 22%
Inflation: 2.5%
Growth rate: 4.5 % (2012 estimates)

Gross domestic Investissement: 19% of GDP(2012)
Foreign direct investment : USD 337 millions(2009)
Exports: USD 3156 million(2010)
Imports: USD 5061 million(2010)
Main exports : petroleum, cocoa, coffee, wood, alumina, rubber, banana, cotton


The south forest area (Centre, East, Littoral, South and South-West Regions) is located in the maritime and equatorial zone. It is characterized by thick vegetation, a vast water system and a warm and humid climate with heavy rainfall. This area is conducive to the growing of cocoa, oil palm, banana, rubber tree, tobacco, etc. The high uplands of the west (West and North-West Regions) which average peaks are above 1,100 m form a region rich in volcanic soils that are conducive to agriculture (coffee, market garden produces, etc.) Here, vegetation is less dense as compared to the southern forest block, and its cold climate is favorable to the development of various other activities. Moreover, the high population density as compared to the national average makes of this region one of the most important emigration areas. The Northern Sudano Sahelian region (Adamawa, North and Far North Regions) is comprised of savannas and steppes. Apart from the Adamawa plateau where the climate is more temperate, the rest of this region is characterized by a warm and dry tropical climate with low rainfall as one gets closer to Lake Chad. This region is suitable for livestock farming and growing of cotton, onion, millet, potato, white yam and groundnut.